101 Red roses
Grand Bouquet

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If you want to propose in a special way, you can make her decide with a grand bouquet that contains 101 red roses, and she will say YES to a fairytale. Choose this unique bouquet available in the online flowers offer, and your success is guaranteed!

This is the star bouquet in the collection of the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori, that has registered the most orders for marriage proposals. You can send it at the recipient's home to obtain a spectacular effect, assured by the flowers delivery service with shipments across Romania.

There is nothing more appropriate for a stylish marriage proposal than a roses bouquet. Red roses convey passion and romance, and they express love feelings in a delicate way. Invite her to spend her life with you and choose a red roses bouquet to show her pure love.

Florists at Magazinul de Flori employ 101 roses for the perfect confesion, to be sent anywhere in Romania through the fastest flowers courier.