Pink roses bouquet
Princely Delight

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660 RON
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Alexandru B, Jan 6th 2025
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Mihai Saftiuc, Jan 9th 2025
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Cristina C, Jan 8th 2025

A grand flowers bouquet that employs 31 pink roses accented with mixed greenery and aspidistra that conveys an elegant aspect. This rose bouquet is ideal for anniversaries, congratulations and formal events.

A formal gift that employs pink roses will enchant anyone with the color delicacy and sweet scent. Magazinul de Flori assures to send this bouquet at the recipient's home by the flowers delivery service.

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Roses were grown in Persia and China for over 5000 years. The europeans tried hard to mimic the sweet scent of old asiatic roses, and failed. Nonetheless, roses are the most popualr choice among cut flowers used in flower bouquets, highly appreciated for their unique shape and colors.

A pink roses bouquet is a symbol of feminity, ideal for formal occasions that demand an elegant gift.