Roses bouquet

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700 RON
I am the one thanking you The service was impeccable I wish a very nice rest of the day
Alexa Ctin, Dec 22nd 2024
Thank very much! Because of you I managed to make a wonderful surprise to the ones home. You are brilliant
Carmen, Feb 27th 2025
Good evening. For the first time, yesterday I placed an order with you and I was very impressed. Congratulations, everything was perfect, excellent birthday cake, wonderful roses and on time delivery. With your help, I managed to bring happiness to my mom as I am working far away from the country. Thank you & I will for sure use your services in the future.
Jeni C, Jan 5th 2025

A luxuriant roses bouquet that employs 35 red roses, yellow roses and orange roses. A multicolored flowers bouquet that is assorted with greenery and gypsophila, ideal to be offered on special occasions and business events.

Roses are always a pleasant surprise, either they are offered to your loved one, to a friend or for corporate events. The special mix of color shades, from intense red to pink and from delicate orange shades to intense yellow, will convey your most powerful feelings.

Prepare to seduce your recipient with this arrangement of fresh roses and Magazinul de Flori will instantly send this bouquet through the flowers delivery service.

We're recommending

A rose bouquet that combines many colors represents a true floral treasure for the recipient, since it conveys a bunch of symbols. Red roses express love and passion, pink roses convey elegance and refinement, while orange roses are an expression an enthusiasm. As an extra splash of color, bright yellow roses convey affection.

Choose the occasion and Magazinul de Flori will send this bouquet by the flowers delivery service, that will express your deepest feelings in the most delicate way. You will be represent by an imposing flowers bouquet. An arrangement that employs colored roses is a warrant of success and you will discover the pleasure of offering flowers.