An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori
Hello, I would like to thank you for your services. The birthday cake was super! Delicious! And the picture was perfect! I didn’t expect the copy to be so good! Everybody admired the birthday cake and the birthday boy was the most surprised! I will contact your team in the future and will recommend you to all my friends. Have a nice day
Thank you very much. The delivery was made. The surprise was a success. Next time I will pleasurably contact you again. You are awesome Have a nice weekend
Thank you for being so understanding. I never have worked with a company who takes so much care into making sure their customers are satisfied. I do understand about the weather and know that this time period is very hectic. Thank you for the excellent customer service. I will be sure to come back to use your service. Again, thank you for your excellent customer service!
An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori