An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori
Many thanks for the promptness and professionalism that you showed! The Bouquet of flowers and cake were superb and my mom was super happy by this surprise!
Thank you for your professionalism. i will order in future with pleasure from you. Have a nice week.
The roses came today. They were gorgeous ? a total night & day difference from what I received in the original shipment. Thank you for making this right.
An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori