An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori
Thank you for today's delivery, everything turned out perfectly! Serious company. Greetings, I will advertise you.
I would like to thank you for the extraordinary service, promptness and quality! The surprise was just right, everyone was delighted, the bouquet looks gorgeous, as on the website, the cake was delicious. I recommend to all the "Flower Shop" services and I intend to order from you on other occasions as well.
Thank you! I was impressed by your professionalism I have rarely seen such good services in Romania
An elegant hand-tied bouquet of 25 long stemmed white roses, arranged perfectly for that very special someone. She will be impressed by your good taste of choice.
The roses bouquet is delivered home by Online Flower Shop Magazinul de Flori