Pink roses bouquet
Princely Gift

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270 RON
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Anonymous, Feb 11th 2025

A floral gift mean to express tenderness and freshness, made with pink roses, messangers of feminity and elegance. This roses bouquet will be admired by everybody, for the irresistible combination of fresh roses in a delicate pink shade and the mixed greenery.

This flowers bouquet can be delivered by the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori, at which flower orders can be placed for any city in Romania.

We're recommending

Roses are available today in over 30.000 varieties, even though they are a hybrid species that resulted from multiple crossings of a wild specied. A roses bouquet will impress with the special coloring, but also with the sweet and seducing scent.

Roses convey special symbols that are also given by a specific color. For example, pink roses express feminity and elegance, but also grace and charm.