Red roses bouquet
Passion Bouquet

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470 RON
400 RON
Hello, Thank you very much for the delivery. The surprise was perfect and I just want to say Thank you for the offered services. With respect,
Valentina Tupu, Feb 3rd 2025
Hi, I must thank you so much for the products delivered and your help for celebrating my mother beautiful age of 50 years. It was a gorgeous bouquet of flowers and a delicious cake, I saw the photos and i heard my family feedback. Thank you again for what you do and also for hepling us, those who live far away from home. You connect us with our loved ones from home. A beautiful day!
Alexandra C, Jan 24th 2025
The roses came today. They were gorgeous ? a total night & day difference from what I received in the original shipment. Thank you for making this right.
Michael, Dec 24th 2024

A burning love can be complimented with a sensation rose bouquet! This amazing bouquet employs 11 red roses that are arranged in a round shape and represent that ideal love statement for your dear one. The team of florists at Magazinul de Flori will make sure to choose fresh roses, and the flowers delivery service will send this flowers bouquet at any address in Romania.

The bouquet can be offered together with a champagne bottle and a chocolate box, all available in the online flowers collection.

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Roses are the messengers of passion and romance, and red color is the ever lasting symbol of love. A creative flowers arrangement is the most sincere expression of strong feelings, that can be defined with a red roses bouquet.

Red roses have always been a mark of elegance, and it's a well known fact that a flowers bouquet can express feelings in the most delicate way.