Violet calla bouquet

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560 RON
Hello Dear Sir, Thank you very much for the flowers delivered to my mother. I can say that you managed to make people as happy as they’ve never been. My mum’s voice shows so much excitement that I’m almost sorry I wasn’t there to see it. It’s wonderful and my mum says the flowers are so fresh she thinks they will last until Easter! One thing was missing – the note- or at least she couldn’t find it. It doesn’t matter if you forgot, I thank you very much. I am here for the rest of the money I have to pay for the vase. I will stay your client and will happily recommend you. Have a wonderful day I am glad there are people who know how to perfectly manage their business
Anonim, Jan 11th 2025
Thank you very much for the lovely flowers. My mum was impressed. Congratulations on your services!
L. M, Jan 17th 2025
Thanks, ...y’all are awesome
Linda, Feb 8th 2025

Calla flowers convey elegance and refinement and a flowers bouquet that employs calla is a key to success in any situation.

This wonderful bouquet with black calla reflects a distinct shade depending on how light spreads over the flowers, and the callas can be dark violet, burgundy red or black. This violet calla bouquet can make the perfect gift for ladies but also for gentlemen irrespective of their age.

The order can be placed at Magazinul de Flori that assures delivery across Romania by the flowers delivery service.

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Calla are considered floral deities among flowers, since they have an elegant aspect given the funnel shape of their inflorescence and the intense colors of the thick petals. A flowers bouquet that employs calla can match any refined occasion. Callas can be inserted in one color bouquets in order to keep a simple but modern aspect in a flowers bouquetMagazinul de Flori offers this exceptional violet calla bouquet that bring a special visual effect in any room.