Yellow and orange roses bouquet
Yellow Velvet

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580 RON
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything! With your help I managed to bring a little comfort to my family ….. thank you and I will contact you for happier moments as well! See you soon
Andreea Zlatan, Feb 8th 2025
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John, Nov 26th 2024
Excellent services – perfect delivery! Will recommend! Thank you
Catalin, Jan 17th 2025

You can impress your loved one, a friend or a work colleague with this yellow and orange roses bouquet that can bring a colors festival in any decor. This flowers bouquet employs 29 roses and it's the ideal floral gift to make a great impression and to offer a memorable.

Fresh yellow roses that can be delivered at the recipient's doorstep by the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori. With this flowers courier service you are sure to send impeccable looking boquuets.

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A flowers bouquet made with flowers that define love is meant to impress anyone. Roses are available in 8 main colors, each with a special symbol attached. Yellow roses bring energy and optimism, and they are also a symbol of friendship. Roses have inspired a great number of legends and myths, since they were grown for over 5000 years in Persia and China.

There is nothing more valuable then a yellow roses bouquet offered to a special someone, and the expert designers at the online flower shop know the secret of creating impeccable bouquets by using only fresh roses.