Colored miniature roses bouquet

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520 RON
Thank you for the wonderful bouquet. The order was delivered in time and her joy was just right. Thanks!
Dan N, Jan 30th 2025
Maria M, Dec 2nd 2024
Thank your team for the gift ordered and delivered promptly. The flowers are very beautiful, they were received with appreciation and joy. I will contact you on other occasions. Good luck !!
Cristina N, Jan 22nd 2025

This flowers bouquet employs 21 long stem miniature roses (70 cm) that are artfully arranged in a rich and colored presentation.

This arrangement represents a splash of color and conveys multiple meanings. This miniature roses bouquet is made by the expert florists at Magazinul de Flori.

A flowers bouquet that is ideal to add color to any decor and bring joy, can be sent by the flowers delivery service.

We're recommending

Miniature roses are also called mini-roses and they are an assortment of regular roses. Even though their flowers are small, they exhale a very strong scent, representing a special gift when they are used in a greatly ornamented arrangement.

A miniature roses bouquet expresses tenderness and when they are combined in many colors they convey optimism and joy.

These flowers originate from the chinese rose, and a flowers bouquet that contains miniature roses will convey exoticism.