Imperial Contrast bouquet

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396 RON
Dear Sir, I would like to thank you for the quality of your service; the receiver of the gift was thrilled by its design and by your delivery. Wish you the best of luck Regards
Ioana Tomescu, Nov 9th 2024
Thank you for your quick delivery, everything was perfect giving the 20,000 km distance :))
Bogdan B, Nov 4th 2024
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your promptness, speed and quality! I am your loyal client for the last few years and through you I manage every year to make my mother happy, 2000km away from me, in Targu-jiu. For this reason, you have all my respect and respect and thank you once again!
Anca M, Nov 10th 2024

This orchid bouquet contains vanda and phaleonopsis orchids that can be offered to the dear ones to mark a special moment. A floral gift that will impress with the great combination of simplicity and elegance, this flower bouquet is remarkable through the contrast in the color shades.

This exotic bouquet can be delivered at the recipient's home through the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori, a flowers courier service.

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Orchids have a special shape and exotic aspect and have inspired many myths and legends aling history. In ancient Greece they were used in rituals for the harvest goddess and were considered sacred flowers. This is the reason why they remained a symbol of feminity and elegance.

Today orchids are used as decorative plants in flower arrangements and flower bouquets. Magazinul de Flori offers creative orchid bouquets that have a seducing aspect and scent.