Orange roses bouquet
Pure Desire

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420 RON
Gabriel M, Nov 21st 2024
Thank you very much for the promptness, the delicacy of the bouquet and the seriousness! We will definitely recommend Magazinul de Flori and we will return to you whenever we have the opportunity. Good luck in everything you do!
Daniela S, Nov 5th 2024
Thank you, the order was delivered even earlier than I expected, in very good conditions and quality. The reactions of the mother (the one who received) as expected. Good luck and success!
Mioara C, Jan 12th 2025

There is nothing to match a roses bouquet in a light color shade that beautifully contrasts the wide and fresh green leafs. This flowers bouquet employs 19 orange roses selected from the freshest stems and arranged in a stylish, impeccable looking bouquet.

This floral arrangement is offered by Magazinul de Flori and can be delivered at any address in Romania by the flowers courier service.

We're recommending

Roses are available in 8 main colors, and are used in flower bouquets that can be simple or complex. Depending on the event, a roses bouquet can have different colors to convey a certain symbol.

For example, an orange roses bouquet represents desire, but also optimism and friendship. Flower bouquets that employ roses are an expression of romance, and that is why roses are the primary choice for sophisticated flower arrangements.