Roses and miniature roses bouquet
Autumn Sunset

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Thank you very much! I am very impressed by the promptness with which you react to client’s requests. You can always count on me for a recommendation for potential clients and I have only good words for you. All the best and I will keep you posted with tonight’s delivery
Oana Cristina, Dec 1st 2024
The bouquet was wonderful, I also appreciate your confirmation email :). Good day and thank you so much.
Delia, Feb 6th 2025
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Dan, Jan 3rd 2025

An imposing bouquet that employs 11 orange roses and 6 miniature roses, tied with an assorted bow. In order to bring a splash of color that can dilute the effect of autumn melancholy, florists at Magazinul de Flori choose only fresh flowers that are artfully arranged in this creative roses bouquet.

The flowers delivery service assures to send this flowers bouquet anywhere in Romania, to offer the recipient a great gift as a flowers chandelier.

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Miniature roses are also known as mini-roses and they originate in China, as a modern flower of the Rosa chinesis. These tiny flowers have various colors and a special scent.

A flowers bouquet that employs roses and miniature roses is the pure expression of romance. For an exceptional roses bouquet, miniature roses can be combined in pastel and matching colors.

In accordance with the autumn melancholy, orange roses can be offered to boost the emotion and passion of a fall day.