Roses bouquet
Color and Style

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306 RON
The bouquet of flowers, delivered by you was very appreciated, with many thanks, that they never received such a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Thank you very much !
Tuica G, Apr 3rd 2024
Thank you for today's delivery, everything turned out perfectly! Serious company. Greetings, I will advertise you.
Adrian P, Mar 12th 2024
Thank you! I was impressed by your professionalism I have rarely seen such good services in Romania
Florin, Mar 5th 2024

A special flowers bouquet that employs a floral mix of red roses and orange roses. This flowers selection conveys courage, and it's the ideal way to impress.

This roses bouquet comes in a special colors combination, as flowers compete for the visual spotlight. The mixed greenery comes as a splash of color and completes this beautiful floral arrangement.

The bouquet can be delivered anywhere in Romania by the local florists of the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori.

We're recommending

Roses have a power to seduce with their impressive aspect, but also with their sweet and seducing scent. They are available in 8 main colors, and in more than 30.000 assortments. Roses can last for a long time as cut flowers, but they need a source of light.

Being easy to cater for, roses are used for flower bouquets in different color combinations. A red roses and orange roses bouquet will convey burning passion and optimism in the same time.