Roses bouquet
Princely Elegance

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An assorted roses bouquet that employs pink, violet and cream roses and it's ideal for refined occasions. This bouquet employs 23 roses and will convey a special elegance to any event.

There is nothing to equal this splash of color in a roses bouquet, and the combination of colors is just what it takes to have an exceptional flowers arrangement, a masterpiece in the online flowers collection.

The order can be placed at Magazinul de Flori, a flowers courier service.

We're recommending

Roses are a an ideal treat for every woman, and they are a popular choice for flower bouquets and flower arrangements. Roses are available in over 30.000 varieties, and they are a hybrid species obtained by multiple crossings of wild species.

As cut flowers, roses are easy to cater for, since they need a permanent source of light. A roses bouquet will convey multiple symbols. Pink roses are the expression of feminity and grace, while violet roses express desire.