Roses bouquet
Royal Accesory

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340 RON
Thank you so much! It was a total surprise, such as the thrill!
C. R, Dec 22nd 2024
Thank you very much! You guys are professionals!
E. H, Jan 4th 2025
To be honest, at first I was skeptical about online services, especially with flowers, but you were wonderful and my daughter was very happy with the fresh and beautiful roses! Thank you from the bottom of my heart especially to Mr. Stefan who was very kind! Next time!!!!
Lidia - Roma, Nov 29th 2024

An imposing red roses bouquet decorated with assorted greenery. This exquisite flowers bouquets employs 11 red roses of the highest quality. The color of the roses can be changed per request. On top of that, you can also add one of the special gifts offered by Magazinul de Flori, for guaranteed success.

This bouquet can be sent by the flowers delivery service offered by the online flower shop

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Roses originate in Persia and China, where they have been grown for more then 5000 years. These flowers have a sweet and seducing scent and are available in more than 3000 varieties. Nonetheless, roses are a hybrid species that has been obtained by multiple crossings of wild species.

Roses bouquets express romance and desire, and according to their color, they also convey special symbols. A flowers arrangement that contains roses defines love in a gentle way.