Roses bouquet
Yellow Reverie

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350 RON
Thank you very much. The delivery was made. The surprise was a success. Next time I will pleasurably contact you again. You are awesome Have a nice weekend
F. A, Jan 25th 2025
Thank you. My mom did receive them and she loved them. Thanks again for making my mom happy on her mothers day and birthday
Alina, Jan 16th 2025
I just wanted to say thank you very much for your professionalism. It’s nice to know that even from a distance we can bring joy to those we left at home. My father was very surprised; he wasn’t expecting anything like this. It’s wonderful to know that in Romania one can have access to ways of not forgetting the beloved ones.
Madalina Mercea - Montreal, Canada, Dec 5th 2024

A fancy flowers bouquet that employs yellow roses and yellow gerbera. The bright yellow color and seducing scent in this rose bouquet will enlighten any room, a warm reverie that can revive a sunny summer day. 

Magazinul de Flori will only use fresh flowers that can be sent anywhere in Romania by the flowers delivery service, and you are sure that this yellow flowers bouquet will reach the recipient in a perfect condition.

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Roses were originally grown in Persia and China, and now they are spread in any region of the world. Roses are the primary choice for flower bouquets and flower arrangements of any kind.

These flowers convey different symbol according to their colors. A bouquet that employs yellow roses is designed to convey gealousy but it can also be a symbol for friendship, since this color inspires warmth and affection.