A flowers bouquet full of colour that employs Sunflower, Grains and Lavander.
This bouquet can be delivered by the flowers courier at Magazinul de Flori, that sends flowers at home across Romania.
Thank you so much! It was a total surprise, such as the thrill!
Thank you very much! You guys are professionals!
To be honest, at first I was skeptical about online services, especially with flowers, but you were wonderful and my daughter was very happy with the fresh and beautiful roses! Thank you from the bottom of my heart especially to Mr. Stefan who was very kind! Next time!!!!
A flowers bouquet full of colour that employs Sunflower, Grains and Lavander.
This bouquet can be delivered by the flowers courier at Magazinul de Flori, that sends flowers at home across Romania.
Magazinul de Flori creates exquisite flower combinations, and presents them in unique and elegant bouquets that can match any occasion.