White roses bouquet
Precious Bouquet

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553 RON
509 RON
Thank you very much for the quick, efficient and elegant way in which the flowers arrived to my aunt…I will surely use your services in the future! I will also recommend you to my friends as the best website. Best Regards
Cristina B, Mar 8th 2024
Thank you very much for the orders! The bouquets are beautiful and the cake is sensational! Have a great day.
V Neagu, Mar 17th 2024
Today you made my mother happiest, I have no words to thank you! You helped me on a hard day in her life to bring a smile to her lips even from a distance! The flowers are beautiful, I recommend with confidence. I wish you a wonderful day !
Anamaria A, Feb 18th 2024

A real delight for senses, this flowers bouquet employs 29 white roses and it's accented with aspidistra that conveys an impeccable look. A roses bouquet is ideal for weddings, anniversaries or formal events. For truly important occasions, this festive arrangement is the perfect choice.

The offer for orders in Bucharest: you will receive a Merci chocolate box of 250g for FREE.

The delivery is assured by Magazinul de Flori through the flowers courier.

We're recommending

Festive arrangements convey a touch of elegance and creativity to any event. White roses are the centerpiece among floral arrangements, since they can ideally complete a modern and sophisticated decor. White roses are a symbol of purity and innocence, and they are often used in flower bouquets offered for formal events.

A white roses bouquet is perfect for weddings, anniversaries, but also sumptuous partier. At Magazinul de Flori you will find unique flower arrangements that make flowers look like precious gems,