Yellow roses bouquet
Light and Grace

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323 RON
An old saying tells: strong essences are kept in small bottles - the same thing I can say about the services you chose to deliver to your clients. Although there are many websites offering services like flower delivery and most of them are very well promoted in the virtual environment - you are far better because you are fast, professional, helpful, you show empathy with your customer and that is because you care and you love what you are doing. About the competition, many clients have been disappointed in the freshness of the flowers, services provided and in the existing difference between the flowers on the website and the actual ones delivered. My mother was very touched when she saw a gentleman with a huge flower bouquet for her. The bouquet looked exactly like in your presentation (colors, flowers, decorations). WONDERFUL. Like I previously said on the chat, I will always come back to you.
Simona M, Apr 4th 2024
She Loved the Flowers....thanks so much!
Chad, Jun 3rd 2024
The bouquet of flowers, delivered by you was very appreciated, with many thanks, that they never received such a beautiful bouquet of flowers! Thank you very much !
Tuica G, Feb 14th 2024

A radiant flowers bouquet that employs 19 yellow roses, the symbol of friendship. The yellow roses are arranged for a perfect presentation that can be offered for many different occasions: her birthday, commemorations, congratulations, a friendship gift of a stunning surprise.

Magazinul de Flori selects fresh roses that are combined in exceptional rose bouquets that are accented with greenery for a special visual impact. At Magazinul de Flori you can order flowers online for home delivery across Romania.

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Roses are a warrant of elegance and refinement when they are artfully arranged in a flowers bouquet. Yellow roses are a symbol of friendship and convey warmth and affection.

Despite the fact that they are available in 30.000 verieties, roses are a hybrid plant that resulted from multiple crossings of wild species. They can be found in 8 main colors and chosen according to the occasion on which they are offered.