Classic rose bouquet

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260 RON
Thank you very much for the quick, efficient and elegant way in which the flowers arrived to my aunt…I will surely use your services in the future! I will also recommend you to my friends as the best website. Best Regards
Cristina B, Dec 27th 2024
Mr. Safciu, I will recommend your website to all my friends in Michigan (an there are many). I appreciate not only the quality of your “products” but also the certainty of delivery. Congratulations for a high quality service!!! Once again, all the best
ILEANA V, Dec 31st 2024
love ordering flowers from your company. The customer service and quality of flowers is outstanding. Look forward to ordering from you again. Thanks.
Karina, Dec 26th 2024

A classic rose bouquet that employs fresh stems and can be delivered anywhere in Romania by the flowers delivery service offered at the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori.

This flowers bouquet is made with the most vibrantly colored red roses and can match any occasion, as long as you place an order for quality online flowers.

We're recommending

Roses are ornamental plants that belong to the Rosaceae family and are available in more than 200 species around the world. As decorative elements, roses are delicate flowers that are hard to cater for, but they convey a special meaning in any arrangement.

Red roses are an expression of pure passion and can be offered to a special someone to show the strong feelings towards that person. When employed in a classic flowers bouquet, roses bring elegance and refinement, as a floral decoration that can fit in any decor.