Colored minigerberas bouquet

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391 RON
Thank you, the order was delivered even earlier than I expected, in very good conditions and quality. The reactions of the mother (the one who received) as expected. Good luck and success!
Mioara C, Mar 11th 2024
Thank you very much for the wonderful surprise I managed to give my mother with your help! Everything was perfect, the flowers were gorgeous and carefully arranged, the cake delicious and fresh, and the basket of products as well. Good luck!
Corina M, Apr 9th 2024
Gabriel M, Feb 18th 2024

An impressive flowers bouquet with white, yellow and pink minigerbera accented with mixed greenery. A minigerbera bouquet can be offered on anniversaries, to congratulate or to offer a surprise for a special event.

The online flower shop Magazinul de Flori assured home delivery for any city in Romania through the flowers courier that is available for any order for online flowers.

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Minigerbera daisies are the miniature version of gerbera flowers and convey elegance and distinction by the special aspect and colorful design. The chromatic area is very wide and that is why flowers are employed in flower bouquets and flower arrangements and combined with a variety of flowers.

Gerbera flowers that have a size of approximately 7cm are also called minigerbera daisies. Magazinul de Flori employs the freshest ones and created exquisite minigerbera bouquets that give a special touch to a floral gift.