Pink roses bouquet
Pink Crystal

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Thanks for the exceptional services. My mother was very happy with the floral arrangement she received for her birthday.
Dana P, Mar 17th 2024
Dear Mr. Stefan, I hope you had a nice weekend! Just wanted to let you know that my mother very happily received the basket with roses.She sent me the photos and indeed the flowers looked amazing. Congratulations for the quality of your services and thank you for helping me to send my mother such an exceptional gift. The best of luck and we’ll be in touch
Corina Lucica, May 3rd 2024
Good evening, Thank you very much to you and your partners in Brasov. I received the pictures of the flowers and the gifts which I ordered and they are very beautiful. Also the people receiving the gifts were also very impressed. As I was told, the flowers are really beautiful and fresh, they also look so in the pictures. Congratulations on your professionalism and precision, especially because I ordered this gift from abroad and it arrived at the exact hour in Brasov, even a bit earlier. I am glad there is a company I can count on for such services when I need them and I am not sorry for contacting you. Have a nice evening
Anonim, Aug 17th 2024

A pink roses bouquet that employs 11 fresh roses, an ideal manner to say “Thank you” and make a special wish.

Pink roses are a symbol of optimism and happiness, and a flowers bouquet that is arranged in a tree crown shape is the perfect way to express joy and delight.

This bouquet can be sent anywhere in Romania by the flowers delivery service offered at the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori.

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Roses are hybrid species obtain through multiple crossings of wild species. There are over 30.000 assortments and 8 main colors. Roses are easy to cater for, but they need strong light to last for a long time as cut flowers. When used in flower bouquets and flower arrangements, roses bring an impressive splash of color and a sweet, seducing scent. Pink roses are a symbol of grace and feminity.