Red roses bouquet
Royal Romance

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380 RON
Congratulations for the amazing services! The beauty and the quality of the flowers, you gentleness and promptness guarantee a pleasant experience for us and for those who receive and enjoy the flowers from the “ Magazinul de Flori”! Thank you
Miriam Onaca, Dec 4th 2024
Thank you so much for extraordinary service. My mother who had the 80 years birthday was super impressed for everything: flowers, cake and champagne. I will remain a loyal customer and will recommend you to all my friends. Thank you again. All the best!
Dan, Jan 29th 2025
Thanks for the quick response. Thanks for the excellent service.
Matei, Dec 25th 2024

A wonderful flowers bouquet that employs 19 red roses. A vibrant color, sweet scent and impeccable design are the elements that make this rose bouquet a floral masterpiece. This red roses bouquet is the ideal choice to astound the recipient and to make a love statement.

The order for this bouquet can be placed at Magazinul de Flori, that can send this fresh roses arrangement if you order flowers online at this flower shop.

We're recommending

Red roses are the primary choice for a floral gift in romantic situations. These flowers have a sweet scent and attractive aspect, and they originate in Persia and China, where they have been grown for more than 5000 years.

Today, roses bloom all around the world and they are available in more than 30.000 varieties, but only 8 main colors. A roses bouquet is a precious gift, as they are highly appreciated for their unique aspect.