Roses bouquet
Princely Elegance

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500 RON
Thank you for your professionalism. I will surely recommend you to my friends. Have a nice evening.
Luminita P, Jan 22nd 2025
Thank You! I was impressed by the way things went. I will surely use your company in the future.
Rusu Claudiu, Feb 17th 2025
was a little apprehensive about ordering on-line, but could not have been more pleased with your service and with the flowers. I was informed at every step in the process and my questions were answered almost immediately. Thank you for your attention to detail and beautiful flowers!
Iulia, Jan 14th 2025

An assorted roses bouquet that employs pink, violet and cream roses and it's ideal for refined occasions. This bouquet employs 23 roses and will convey a special elegance to any event.

There is nothing to equal this splash of color in a roses bouquet, and the combination of colors is just what it takes to have an exceptional flowers arrangement, a masterpiece in the online flowers collection.

The order can be placed at Magazinul de Flori, a flowers courier service.

We're recommending

Roses are a an ideal treat for every woman, and they are a popular choice for flower bouquets and flower arrangements. Roses are available in over 30.000 varieties, and they are a hybrid species obtained by multiple crossings of wild species.

As cut flowers, roses are easy to cater for, since they need a permanent source of light. A roses bouquet will convey multiple symbols. Pink roses are the expression of feminity and grace, while violet roses express desire.