Tulips, lilies and gerbera bouquet

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490 RON
Thank you very muuuuuuuuch..for flexibility and understanding...Thank youuuuuuuuuuuu...She was really impressed :)))) Thank you...
Anonim, Feb 17th 2025
Thank you very much for the delivery. You have shown professionalism, I will definitely use your services with confidence in the future
Tao, Feb 8th 2025
Congratulations Both the flowers and the birthday cake were much appreciated, as well as the promptness of the delivery. A perfect service and a exceptional presentation.
Florin A, Jan 13th 2025

A stunning flowers bouquet that is ideal to make a love confession or to send a warm message. The wonderful bouquet employs tulips, lilies, gerbera, all with shades of orange, meant to express desire and enthusiasm.

The bouquet only contain fresh flowers, carefullt selected by the florists at Magazinul de Flori and included in the online flowers collection with home delivery.

We're recommending

Tulips have a highly decorative value and they are grown especially for their beauty and colors variety. The elegant look is due to the cup shape of the flowers. Even though these flowers are associated with Holand, they are native to Asia, especially in the Ottoman Empire.

Florists at Magazinul de Flori use a wide variety of tulips and artfully combine them in tulip bouquets that bring a special significance and symbol on an important occasion. A flowers boquuet that employs tulips will express energy and joy. Flowers can be sent through the flowers delivery service, that assures flowers delivery across Romania.