Anthurium bouquet and exotic foliage

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240 RON
I just wanted to say thank you very much for your professionalism. It’s nice to know that even from a distance we can bring joy to those we left at home. My father was very surprised; he wasn’t expecting anything like this. It’s wonderful to know that in Romania one can have access to ways of not forgetting the beloved ones.
Madalina Mercea - Montreal, Canada, Dec 29th 2024
Thanks for the excellent service and for the pictures!
Mihaela D, Nov 21st 2024
I purchased my first bouquet of flowers from you last week. They are the most beautiful roses ever!
Roxana, Dec 6th 2024

Capture the magic of a moment in time and impress with floral exotism by offering this anthurium bouquet that is artfully combined with exotic foliage. The bouquet employs 5 red anthurium stems and is presented in a modern and refined design that will bring style in any room.

The delivery is assured by the online flower shop Magazinul de Flori, a flowers courier that reaches any city in Romania.

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Flamingo flowers, known as Anthurium, have very attractive foliage and they last for the entire year. This climbing plant originates in the tropical forests and that is why the plant grows in humidity and warmth, while high temperatures are a hostile condition. 

The flower is now encountered all around the world and is popular for flower bouquets. An anthurium bouquet is an exotic appearance, conveyed by the flower’s special shape. This unique looking flowers also express elegance and nobility.