Roses Bouquet
Magical Colors

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300 RON
Good Morning, I would like to thank you very much for you serious approach and for your help! I apologize I so early write you but I am on holiday in Hong Kong and here it’s 11 am already! My mother was very surprised and very happy. She as well, told me that the bouquet was lovely and the flowers were fresh and gorgeous. Once again 100 times thank you and I will surely order flowers from you with the next occasions. Have a nice day
Ciprian, Feb 26th 2025
Excellent services – perfect delivery! Will recommend! Thank you
Catalin, Dec 31st 2024
Thank You! I was impressed by the way things went. I will surely use your company in the future.
Rusu Claudiu, Mar 11th 2025

A scented and particolored roses bouquet that employs 15 roses (red, white, yellow and pink) in a round shaped arrangement.

Roses are one of the most ways to express your feelings. The special fragrance and colors combination in this flowers bouquet guarantees a fresh touch to any room.

This bouquet is available at the most prestigious online flower shop and only employs fresh flowers. The flowers delivery service at Magazinul de Flori assures shipment across Romania.

We're recommending

Roses are the most delicate way to express your feelings, and a colored bouquet will convey a bunch of symbols. Roses are successfully employed in flower arrangements, and expert florists at Magazinul de Flori only use fresh flowers for any gift.

Roses are not pretentious flowers, but they need fresh water every day. A roses bouquet will match any occasion, and a mix of red, pink, white and yellow roses is a pure expression of elegance and refinement.