Yellow lilies and white freesia
Asiatic bouquet

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315 RON
The gift was as I expected, the receiver was very happy, the orchid is beautiful.
Cristina N, Jan 24th 2024
Thanks for the beautiful bouquet of tulips delivered. I will definitely remain your client and I will be happy to recommend you. All the best!
Mariana A., Mar 5th 2024
I would like to say that you have all my appreciation …..because I received all these kind words from the “Birthday Girl / Friend”; she was very excited, shocked, amazed etc. with the gift….. I personally saw the bouquet as well as the teddy-bear and they were indeed, very beautiful. Thank you and for the next time I will still contact you Goodbye
Groza Cristian, Mar 31st 2024

A visual delight that can color any decor, this elegant lilies bouquet completed with freesia is the ideal choice when you want to offer a memorable floral gift. The bouquet employs yellow colored asiatic lilies and white freesia accented with greenery to obtain an exotic and refined combination.

Magazinul de Flori only chooses fresh flowers and assured instant home delivery anywhre in Romania through the fastest flowers courier.

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Lilies are available in 100 varieties and can be found as bulbs or potted plants. As cut flowers, they are used in flower arrangements mean to bring a special scent in any room.

For greeks and romans, the lily was an antique symbol of hope and triumph, chosen as an official decoration for leaders. Given this tradition, the lily is not ideal for formal events.

Magazinul de Flori offers a wide array of lily bouquets that made a great floral gift to match any occasion. Any bouquet can be delivered across Romania by the best flowers courier.