Red roses bouquet
Classic Passion

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260 RON
I want to thank you becuase the delivery was according to the presentation, it was on time, the flowers were very beautiful! It’s good to know that we can make the ones from home happy and the paypal system is most helpful, In fact this payment method was one of the main reason for the internet order i’ve placed. for sure i will use your services in the future. Best.
Cristina Swift, Dec 1st 2024
Good afternoon, I would like to thank you for the flowers which my mom loved so much. Thank you for all your effort to accommodate all my indications. I will come back to you every time I need some wonderful flowers to send home Thank you again
Veronica Cucuiat, Jan 30th 2025
Thank you and your colleagues for your efficiency and professionalism. I will highly recommend you to my acquaintances. Have a nice day!
D. M, Jan 17th 2025

Love can be celebrated every day and a floral gift is ideal to express your feelings for the one you love. This flowers bouquet employs 11 red roses of highest quality. A red roses bouquet can represent burning passion in any situation.

At Magazinul de Flori you are sure to find only fresh roses artfully arranged in exceptional boquuets. This roses bouquet can be delivered at any address in Romania, as long as you order flowers online at your favorite online flower shop.

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Red roses are a symbol for love and passion, and a flowers bouquet that contains roses makes the perfect way to celebrate love. Roses are available in more than 30.000 varieties and in 8 main colors: red, yellow, pink, white, violet, orange, blue and black.

All roses bouquets offered by Magazinul de Flori employ fresh roses that are artfully arranged in creative bouquets meant to match any occasion.