Red Roses, White Lisianthus And Pink Mini Roses – Shy Passion – Discrete Love, Shy Passion, A Complete Relationship!
A delightful bouquet of pink mini roses and white lisianthus, spiced up with passionate accents from the freshly bloomed red roses. The pink mini roses’ inflorescences hide shyly through the decorative green leaves that beautify this bouquet destined for a new love. The white lisianthus brings about a fresh note, slightly calming down the passion of the red roses.
This is a perfect bouquet for the beginning of a relationship, when you have so much to say and you do not know how to say it, how to get to the heart of the woman that could mean everything in your life. Compliment her with this spectacular bouquet where passion meets modesty, pure love and respect! Let her see what she means to you by sending her these beautiful flowers!
Why roses and lisianthus?
As we all know, roses are the best flowers when it comes to expressing passion and love. White lisianthus is a symbol of respect and appreciation, which makes it a perfect choice for this bouquet.
Make the woman in your life feel appreciated and compliment her beauty by sending this bouquet to her. You can buy it from an online flower shop, and, thus, it will arrive safely into the hands of its receiver without you having to pay additional effort. Along with the flowers, you can send her champagne, a teddy bear, chocolates, or even a cake, all of these being available through Magazinul de Flori.